You can choose from the following options:
- $500 to deliver an Excel data file containing the survey data (with the coding sheet) plus statistical norms for every survey item;
- $4,500 to deliver an Excel data file containing the survey data (with the coding sheet) plus a full report detailing the survey results with statistical graphs of the results with managerial recommendations;
- $7,500 to deliver an Excel data file containing the survey data (with the coding sheet), a full report detailing the survey results with statistical graphs of the results with managerial recommendations, with additional analysis and reporting (i.e., results broken down by specific demographic groups) as requested.
To request MIQOLS to conduct a Quality-of-Community-Healthcare Survey, please send an e-mail message to the executive director of MIQOLS, Joe Sirgy, at indicating interest. You can also contact MIQOLS by letter (address: 6020 Lyons Road, Dublin, Virginia 24084, USA) or by phone (540-674-5022; leave voicemail message). A staff member will contact you by e-mail to set up a telephone (or Skype or ZOOM) meeting. The staff member will answer whatever questions you may have and discuss the logistics of the entire project, the cost, survey specifications, time line, delivery of the survey report and other details